Sunday, July 17, 2005

Knowing part 2

Well its day 3 of bachelorhood as Metria is still away overseas. The day started out well with the sun shining and you do feel happy. Now the clouds have come and its a bit dull.

Added to this was not sleeping well last night, not because I was upset but I feel a flu overcoming me. My nose is runny and I have been sneezing. Man it would suck to get sick now. Better take those vitamin C and Garlic tablets as they do help prevent the cold.

Anyway, am missing Metria still as its is just way too quiet in the house. I have resorted to having the TV on loud so the house has some vibe to it. Hope she is enjoying her nasi lemak or kway teow that she will be whacking.

When you leave your home town and move interstate or overseas there is a adjustment period. Its harder when you are out of university because there are less barriers to make friends. Everyone is young and want to meet people and there are lots of people to meet. When you come later in life, people work so social opportunities in a relaxed manner are few. Took me nearly a year to make a good group of friends but know I really like Melbourne!

Hopefully this trip will allow Metria to retouch contact with friends and family and allow her to believe that moving to Melbourne was a good choice for her, and marrying me of course!

By the way, Jordan is sitting in the lounge watching the world go by.

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