Thursday, February 15, 2007

Part 1: On the Outside
Name : Def Daddy Dev
Date of Birth : 29 January
Current Status : Alive
Eye Colour : Hazel
Hair Colour : HAHAHAHA
Righty or Lefty : right now it is hanging to the left
Zodiac Sign : Aquarius

Part 2: On the Inside
Your Heritage : Indian
Your Fear : Spiders and heights
Your Weakness: Sangeeta, Jordan and kryptonite
Your Perfect Pizza : Mexican with jalepeno peppers and anchovies

Part 3: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up : Should I call work and tell them I am sick today?
Your bedtime : after 11pm, though I also feel sleepy at 3pm monday to Friday.
Your most missed memory : Beaches of Perth and the AWESOMES!

Part 4: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke : Pepsi Max
cDees or Burger King : HJ"s baby!
Single or Group Dates : Single
Adidas or Nike : Adidas
Lipton Tea or Nestea : Green tea..HAH!
Chocolate or Vanilla : Chocolate
Cappucino or Coffee : Gloria Jeans Mocha Caramalatte

Part 5: Do You...
Smoke : No
Curse : F@#$ yes!

Part 6: In the Past Month
Drank alcohol : Yes
Gone to the mall : Of course!
Been on stage : No
Eaten sushi : Yes
Dyed your hair : hahahahahaha

Part 7: Have You Ever?
Played a stripping game : I plead the fifth
Changed who you were to fit in : Yes

Part 8 : Marrriage
Age you're hoping to be married : already inthat blissful world right i have to make tea for my wife

Part 9: In A Guy ....i am a guy so i make this for girls
Best Eye colour : who cares as long as she has large breats
Hair colour : as long as there is no hair on the breast
Short or long hair : Brazilian!!

Part 10: What Were You Doing?
1 minute ago : Joining everyone else to answer..this quiz...(stupid questionreally!)
1 hour ago : Must have been working
41/2 hours ago : Sleeping
1 month ago : Planning football training and the upcoming season
1 year ago : Planning my first anniversary

Part 11: Finish The Sentence
I love : doing nothing and watching sport and my wife (I laike very much)
I feel : Excited about the upcoming weekend
I hate : Fake people and cruel people
I hide : my excitement and dissapointments amongst most people. It is all about remaing calm in a storm
I miss : My family and the awesomes back in Perth.
I need : To really lose a few kilograms and get fit.

Ok I hereby tag anyone of the 4 people who read this blog to fill out this questionnaire and let me know their responses.

No juggernauts or scarry stories here

I just have not had the mojo to blog a lot latelty due to a variety of reasons such as busy and work and CBF-itis.

(what is CBF-itis you ask.....well it means can't be, well you guess the last word)


We await the arrival of my parents from Perth and you know what that means! We gonna eat well for a week. come home from work and there gonna be some of mum's delicious curry or dad's mutton curry.

Man, it is gonna be a gastronomical delight next week.

No EPL so that is a bummer but Melbourne is abuzz with the impeding A-League grand final against Adelaide. Some history between the teams so it will be a great contest. I look forward to it.

Saturday night we shall eb attending my little darling Bhavandeep's engagement so I look forward to that, although they expect a warm night.

oh well.....walk on my friends!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

No more DIC

I certainly hope that Liverpool have not shot themselves in thefoot or anywehre else by not agreeing for DIC to buy the team, pay off debts and build a new stadium. Because DIC pulled out and left us dry.

The other bidder - Gillette is now in a prime position and could invariably do things their own way. From what I have read, Gillette initially wanted to share a stadium with the blue side of Liverpool - no way!

I just hope this is not a Kock Up!