Saturday, July 16, 2005

Attention all Muggles # 6 is out

The 6th and second last book in the Harry Potter series has just been released. Good timing so it will allow me to make use of all this spare time I have now that Metria is o/s.

I pre-ordered the book and it was released at 9.01am today,my time.

It was a big deal as book stores had to secure the books and could not even open the boxes until this morning. Talk about a big deal. I am sure most would have heard of the stories of people trying to steal copies, and people given a copy had to sign non-disclosure pacts. This book business is a big deal and HP series is by far the biggest hoo-hah in my lifetime.

Still I can not wait to read it, I have read the first few paragraphs and it is worth the wait.

I went down to the big book store about 8.45am and the queue stunned me, it was over 100m long. Instead of waiting I decided to go to the front and observe what was happening. A few girls had dressed up in Gryffendor scarfs and cloaks and a little cute girl was dressed as a little Hermoine. She had won a competition to get the first copy.

There was also a security guard in front of the first box and the staff at the box store were counting down, 5 minutes, 4 minutes, 3, 2, 1 and then it was a count down, 40 seconds, 30, 20 and then it started, 10, 9, 8...Until it was official, the release of the book was underway!

People were cheering and cameras were flashing. I soaked the atmosphere in, the crowd was mainly teenage girls and little kids with parents. As the queue went along the ages varied with a cross section of society. You could see the happiness from some of the children as they finally grasped a copy of the book they had waited 2 years to come!

Its good to see this enthusiasm for books and I hope it was worth the wait. Personally I have enjoyed the series ever since I saw the first movie and thought "hey there is something good here".

I can not wait to start reading it, its quite exciting!

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