Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Confessions of a bald headed man

I have to make this confession, I find it hard but it is time the truth to came out. It is time to come out....

Some people may find it amusing, some may just roll their eyes and some may just be on the floor laughing. But here goes.......

I am a fan of Grey's Anatomy.

There, I said it.

Can't believe I said it. But there it is. Thyis will haunt me, IO know it will.

Look I am NOT a hard core fan and I wont list it as up there with other stuff i watch. But I like to watch it.

I got into the show because Mrs D was watching it a lot so I started to watch as well. Like a bad habit it drew me in, and now it is hard to stop.

In my defence, the show is really well written and most of the characters are good. A show that has good moments of humour mixed in with drama and passion.

This show is basically the OC or 90210 for adults involving doctors.

Unlike shows like ER, the medicine is not the forefront of the show. It is about who is sleeping with who more that anything. It is sad to follow the show because it is a bit like a soapie, albeit with more brain.

The only down side to this show is the lead character - Meredith Grey. She is just boring, annoying, too anoxeric and lame. Not as good as the others. She just p's me off when I watch her. She got lots of issues, is never happy and not that good to look at. I do not understand why she is the star of the show...coz the others the star.

The others are much better and so i like them. Maybe it is the writer, they do a good job and maybe the whole idea of the show is to make the others stronger.

So there....I said it. The fellas out there may start questioning which team I play for or just laugh at me.

But I got it off my chest.

I am a Grey's Anatomy watcher.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL. I don't watch GREY ANATOMY at all. Hooked on HOUSE & PRISON BREAK. SMALLVILLE unfortunately is going to the dumps - saddens me.