Friday, December 15, 2006

One person's freedom fighter is another person's terrorist

The Australian media has been taking up the case of freeing David Hicks from Guantanamo bay where he is being held as a prisoner of war by the USA of A. Particularly they have made an issue that his human rights have been violated and he should be treated like an Australian.

Mr Hicks is in this predicament after being caught with fighting for the Taliban army which was engaging American forces shortly after the 9/11 attack.

I have to clarify that he was fighting for the Taliban army NOT against them.

The media says that he should be brought back here to face an Australian court. While these sentiments are noble, they have the wrong person.

While I am not a fan of the US/Australian/British war of terror on Iraq, David Hicks does not deserve to be brought back. That is my opinion on this matter.

After all, he went to fight with the bad guys. He is the mercenary who decided to ply his trade for the Taliban and he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Remember he was out there looking to kill and hurt people. His bad call so he has to live with the decision and not hope for someone to fly in and save him. He lost his right to be an Australian when he decided to fight against his fellow countrymen.

However, one thing I do wholeheartedly oppose is the abuse and inhumane treatment of prisoners. Sure they have done the wrong thing but to treat them worse than animals is uncalled for and indecent.

I think the media’s intentions are in the right place but they have focused on the wrong person. There are other people in the world which deserved to be freed from incarceration and the focus should be put on them. People like the Dalai Lama, children who are used as slaves to facilitate the mega corporations, and women abused by scared, small minded and insecure men deserve this type of focus and attention.

Many years ago, the worldwide media focussed their attention towards Robben Island which held a great man unjustly. After years of ignoring his plight, the international family (finally) focussed its attention towards this backward hole and this occupant. Eventually this worldwide pressure forced the South African government to free this man.

Eventually, it was acknowledged that he was being unjustly imprisoned for being an alleged terrorist when all that he wanted (or was fighting for) was for all South Africans to be afforded the same opportunities, the rights to the basic nees, education and the right to vote . This person was Nelson Mandela, a hero of mine who greatly helped the process of righting the wrongs of South Africa.

But sadly, with David Hicks this story has been picked up for the wrong reasons by the media and politicians, once again they are making a big deal of the wrong thing.


Anonymous said...

He made his decision..he has to live with the consequences. that's it..str8 n simple. Jus bcoz he is a terrorist doesn't make him any better than a common criminal. Blunt talk.
I don't agree with the abuse that goes on in prisons but the prison as an institution of correction and incarceration is pivotal to the existence of modern civilized society.
Merry Xmas.

tihtahpah said...

sounds very "Prison Break", Mr Bengbeng. I think Mr. D is right. There must be a million people in worst condition than Mr Hicks but the media chooses to focus on the unimportant. But I do agree with Mr. D , no man deserves inhuman treatment, whether you're a convict or not, no one deserves that kinda punishment. ANd how can anyone is capable of inflicting such pain on another person disgusts me.

Vageliser said...

Thanks for dropping by guys. Hicks deserves incarceration but not to be abused. But my main issue is the false imprisonment of others who have not committed a crime against human beings but against corrupt governments.