Friday, September 16, 2005

Red Rivalry

Lets get back to Football again.

This Sunday (Aussie time) sees the biggest game of the season, well one of 2. Its my beloved Liverpool against the evil empire that is Manchester United.

No matter what fans of Arsenal and Chelsea, and the media say, this rivalry is the biggest on a worldwide scale. Sure Chelsea are the big pimps of the EPL and Arsenal have been a power the last few season but in terms of the fans and the people, this is bigger.

I think fans of Chelsea and Arsenal see their matches with Liverpool and Man U as being big is primarily because they see themselves as competitors for titles. While that is true I think the intense rivalry between fans and players is higher when ‘pool plays man-u.

Sure last season Arsenal and Man United games were intense but that was the race for 2nd place and after the pizza throwing incident, the return match at Highbury was well built up. Chelsea and Liverpool also had a healthy rivalry last season what with Chelsea victorious in local games, including a final and Pool winning the Champions League final in controversial fashion.

But back to Man U and Liverpool, I believe why this rivalry is so intense is due to the teams being so similar. Both practically neighbours, both teams wear red, both teams have a proud history, both cities are working class.

Man U players and fans will be eager to take on the European Champions while Liverpool will be keen to show they can play well in England.

Hence the game will be a corker. I anticipate the Pool to win 3-1 but the game will be tight.


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Peace and love. Pass it on.
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