Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Britney Spears making a statement

Britney Spears, the once famous pop princess (a long, long time ago) has been lampooned from her performance at some American awards show. But we should maybe step back and think about what she has really done while trying to get a hit, one more time.

While Justin Timberlake brought sexy back, Brit is showing the world that you can strut around in your underwear with a bit of a belly, looking 'dazed' and still feel good about yourself.

Her performance at this award show was really about her making a statement to the world about the obsession some (ahem...fashion industry) have about people looking like mutated stick insects.

Afterall, what is wrong with a women with a bit of a stomach? So what if she has a chest and something in the back. Heck, I like women with some junk in the truck. They look more natural that way, as god intended. i do not want to look at someone and worry that they may fall through a grate on the side of the road, or get blwon away during the next gust of wind.

So the hecklers should sit back and take note - Britney was all about brining the "belly back"

However, not all is well with me regarding this matter. One thing that did tick me off was her fan who posted a teary retort to the world telling them to leave Britney alone. Come off it mate, grow up a little. It is just Britney Spears and people do not really care so much (apart from clowns like me with blogs like this)

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