Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Yo Mama, Vote for Barack Obama

I really hope Barack Obama wins the American Democrats nomination and goes on to be elected president of the USA. He is the right person for the job.

America needs him and the world wants him as President.

Let me start by saying I am not anti-America. I like what America has brought us (except the overflow of reality TV C grade stars). I just have a sense of right and wrong and what I have seen over the past few years has not appeased me.

America’ reputation as the “good guy” of the world was, in my eyes, damaged by the actions of the current incompetent, I mean incumbent President. He redefined what “intelligence” was when he invaded Iraq based on them having Weapons of Mass Destruction only to find no such thing existed. I think we all saw that as a grab at oil which America and the world realise heavily upon.

But let us not look at the past but into the future.

Of the 3 candidates out there – the others being Hillary Clinton and John McCain, why do I believe that Obama is the right person?

Simply because he represents the future, not just of a country, but a world. These days, we are not just countries, we are a world wide social community. The world has become one giant FaceBook.

Hillary Clinton has history – she was the first lady not so long ago and that time is remembered with fondness. She was around at the death of major communist powers and when the iron Curtain was dismantled. She was around when the threat of a world war was begun. When freedom and expression was reigning through the world. When the world was at peace.

But I don’t trust her. She has changed her mind on a few issues so you wonder what type of leader she will be. I believe that she is one that bends to gain approval rather than one that will generally do the right thing.

(Take note that I am honest enough to know that no one will always do the right thing. There is no one like that in the world. But I hope for someone that who will have some form of moral compass).

Senator McCain is a good man but he is just too old. He will be too conservative at a time when conservatism will not be beneficial. He does not appease those young voters who want to see some sense of vibrancy with someone who will not look 4 years into the future but 10 or 20 years.

Obama is young so he can reach out the upcoming generation.

More importantly, the fact that he is not seen as a fat, rich white old man means he has immense appeal to the rest of the world, particularly Africa and Asia – up and coming areas that need guidance to ensure they function rightly.

Lastly, he may also appeal to the Muslim world. He does not seem as threatening as the other candidates and he is certainly an improvement on “Dubya”.

He is Christian yet as the middle name “Hussein”, he grew up outside of American and spent a few years living in Indonesia, a predominantly Islamic State. He has been witness to other cultures and this has shaped him. His mind is not closed and pro one country.

I believe Barack Obama is the right person to lead America and help shape the world at a time when qualities of strong leadership and an understanding of how the world works are truly needed.

So America, when you vote, vote 1 Obama.

The world begs you.


Unknown said...

im hoping to see him in the white house as well, hillary is just getting so nasty its unbecoming of a presidential candidate. you dont win an election by putting down the other person. especially if you re on the same side.
obama is a badly needed breath of fresh air. the clintons and bushs have been there for way too long.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I agree with your sentiment that Obama appears to be the more worldly-wise, internationally experienced candidate. I also think he has come off (throughout this campaign) as the more rational and calm candidate and the one who has not resorted to base jibes or crass commentary about his opponent.

I do wonder, though, whether America is ready for a black President. Will they take the right path or will they resort to the safe path, the conservative, well-worn path of white male Presidency?

The optimist in me hopes that Americans as a whole have matured and mellowed enough to realise the importance of their place as a political, economic and military leader in the world. The optimist in me hopes that the American people are able to overcome complacency and truly determine their own (and our) future through exercising thier right and obligation to influence the political process by voting. A niggling doubt remains though.

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