Monday, December 05, 2005

Friday Night Flicks

On Friday night Metria and I caught Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire at the cinemas. Like the Episode 3 showing this movie was full of fans, a majority of them being under 12 and with their parents.

Before seeing the movie we experienced interactive cinema.

It should be noted that we were probably in the 28th minute of the advertising before the previews and movie began. Some guy was saying “get on with it” just as this add showing a man and women was being screened. He started making more and louder noise. We bought thought some guy was being agitated and were like “right on brother, I hear you as well”. But we stayed quiet as people do.

Then the screen cut to a shot of the camera crew and then the guy and crew started having a chat. We eventually found out this was an ad for a local Melbourne University. Smart.

When the movie started, it was greeted by high pitched screams and clapping, similar to Episode 3. I could not help but smile!! People love the escapism that fantasy movies bring.

I enjoyed the movie and felt that it was a very good representation of the book. Not too many parts were missed out and it covered all the important parts. The effects were spectacular especially the scenes when Harry was flying with the dragon during the first of the Triwizard events.

The part of the movie from this scene until the ball was pretty funny and after that I felt the movie paced along a bit slow. This was probably due to the fact I was waiting for the end scenes when Harry meets Voldermort.

However, during the second half of the movie I noticed the number of people that were moving out of the cinemas and back again. I guess with the crowd containing a healthy proportion of under 12’s, the 2 and a half hour movie can be a problem.

Of the actors, the guy that plays Ron is talented with an ability to act daft in a funny way. Metria thought the fella that played Cedric was cute. The guy who played Viktor Krum looked about 25 and way too old but oh well. Lastly, the actor playing Cho Chang had a Scottish accent which I found funny. Of course, the Indians were represented a bit more with Harry and Ron going on dates with the Patil sisters (I can imagine the Patil clan’s are proud)

Overall, I was very satisfied with HP4 and look forward for the 5th movie. But of course we await the 7th and final book as well. What will happen in the 7th installment? Will anyone else die?

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