Thursday, January 20, 2005

Pokered off

I do not understand the world’s current fascination with poker. I turned on the TV a few days ago and on one sports channel there was poker and on ESPN there was poker. Then there are advertisements on the sports channels for poker!!

What is the fascination with poker, you see a bunch of people sitting around looking at cards and betting for money. My issue is that why waste valuable air time on a sports channel? Don’t they have a channel that this “Sport” can be shown on rather than ESPN or Foxsports?

Where is the excitement or athleticism of the “sport”? Where is the skill (how hard is it to hold a deck of cards) and what about the emotion as most players try not to show any in case they reveal their hand.

Ok someone could get some glee from seeing some badly dressed 40 year old overweight slob with bad hair and bad skin and no style losing $10,000 bet but is it something they will remember?

Will they remember a curling Beckham free kick from 35 metres into the back of goal or a royal flush?

Will the people remember a game winning shot by Michael Jordan or Joe Bloggs Straight?

Will the world of sports enthusiasts awe at and athlete winning the 200m and 400m gold medals at the Olympics or Mr Flannelette winning $100,000 in a game. (ok the money is good but winning the 200m and 400m will probably get you at least 10 fold that amount in endorsements)

I mean these guys sit there and hold cards? And that’s what you see. Then what about commentating – we see the players sit there with cards so what else are you going to talk about.

Really, all I am saying is why do we have to see poker when the networks can show something more interesting like basketball or soccer or athletics, gee even ping pong will be better.

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