Currently he is undergoing a medical and has to agree to personal terms and funnily enough he says he pushed back a number of other offers to play with 'pool - sure that is what they all say!!
While he is not a big name striker like $hev$henko or Ruud Van Nestlinginrealmadrid, we have a player who has scored at least 20 goals in the past 4 Dutch seasons and also helps to create a number of goals for team mates.
This is seriously the type of player Rafa Benitez likes - hard working on the pitch and plays for the team.

DK also can play on the right and as a striker so that is good with the rotation policy clubs employ to fit in with the various competitions they play in.

Of course now we can look forward to a number of articles considering his name sounds like "KITE" such as my attempt and we have to give him a nick name as well. I cannot help thinking of the movie character "Dirk Diggler" from the movie Boogie Nights. Lets hope DK makes like DD when he meets our opponents in the EPL and well you can guess the rest......
So Liverpool to win the league, huh? :-)
looks like i am being stalked daniel. as for the 'pool winning the title. i doubt it....i doubt it...but with manusa winning 2 from 2...well.....
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