When I first tuned into the song "Grace Kelly" on the radio, I hooked on to the melodic tune and as I heard the chorus I was amazed at the vocal range of this musician. I tried to sing the song and it is very hard to do what this man does.
Another example of in studio magic or a musician to take note off?
Well a few days ago, he popped up on a Australian TV show and performed live and it was then that I decided to acquire his album and was very extremely happy with this compilation
Mika, is a British lad of Lebanese decent has released a debut album with captures carious genres of music - jazz, soul and pop. The pace of the songs range from the love ballad (Any other world) to the toe taping.
Amongst the songs I enjoyed were "Lollipop", "Happy Ending", "Love Today" which reminds me of the why I love the Disco age, "My Interpretation" and "Billy Brown" which had an interesting twist at the end and provides a window into Mika.
This album is undeniable a pop album and worth a listen if you enjoy music which is not entirely mainstream and a vocalist who likes to show off his amazing range. He could be this generations Freddy Mercury!
On my scale where 10 equates to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" and 1 is pure crap:
I give it 9.5/10
Never heard of this guy...
Oooohh...I just got this album yesterday! I love it, I love it, I LOVE IT!
And I've been listening to Grace Kelly on repeat the whole day, every day! And I swear I hear the song in my sleep too!
And yeah, you're right...he does sound like Freddie Mercury!
I could be brown
I could be blue
I could be violet sky
I could be hurtful
I could be purple
I could be anything you like
Gotta be green
Gotta be mean
Gotta be everything more
Why dont you like me?
Why dont you like me?
Why dont you walk out the door!
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