On reflection, I do not think this world cup was the best of them.
The best team (Argentina) did not win it, actually it did not make it to the last 4. But that is one of the beautifual aspects of the WC. The favourties rarely win. Each team needs a bit of luck in the match and to be able to fire up at the right time.
Germany overcame the lack of expectation to finish 3rd. Good for them. They were brilliantly led by their Coach and deserve the accolades and plaudits. They were overcome by the champions when they switched of for the last 90 seconds of the match. A 2-0 scoreline was harsh. They had to attack with a few ticks of the clock left and when the defence is left bare, a team can capitalised.
Portugal performed as they should have in 2002, by progressing far but some of their players will be remembered shortly for the wrong reasons and their fans were appalling in the semi final (anyone note that whenever a French non white player touched the ball there was a chorus of whistles). Certain players showed me that they are soft and will do anything for their team to win, even if it means sending off a team mate from their club!
It was somewhat anticlimatical when ZZ was sent off for a headbutt. It was the correct call but people are questioning why ZZ did it. He knew what was at stake, he knew his action would be seen and he must have know that he would be OFFiif he followed through! But for that micro second we saw the less acknowledged part of Zizou - his temper. He lost control and did something crazy to spoil the goodwill the world shone on him as he provided us the last glimpse of his greatness.
What happenes now is the the last glimpse we have of Zizou is walking past the trophy I and many others wished he was holding as that would be a fitting lasting image of a great player.
Nonetheless, I see him as this generations Pele or Maradonna. His sublime skills, the spectacular play and his WOW factor. Let us remeber that Maradonna has his faults too but one could never question his skill. We can do the same for Zizou. Maybe we shall remember his better sides in years to come.
France deserved to be in the final - after all they beat the previous world cup finalists and an up and coming, yet underperforming Spanish team.
They showed that the world cup is not a sprint. Teams can not peak at the start and maintain the rage for another month. They should improve and when they reach the knockout stages the should be peaking so they can be firing on all cylinders come the final. They were lucky to get out of their group but they did and then they rode into the final.
We forget that Italy had a tough group and they qualified well by beating the Czech Republic and Ghana while leaving a bloodied America with a point. They managed to get through the second round through controversy and had a good run to the semi final where they beat the hosts. Still I am not a big fan of the Azzurri, their players find it acceptable to cheat and their fans find it acceptable to degrade players of differing ethnic origins (not all Italian fans are like that but there are some)
Argentina looked good at the start. They destroyed Serbia and Montenegro but could not reclaim that form when it mattered.
The first round was exciting with plenty of action and goals. The second round started the down hill roll in terms of the scoring but with more at stake, it is accpeted that teams become more cautious and look to defend hard and grab those chances.
To win the world cup a team has to make their luck and grab the chances their opponents give them. There is no other match. Thereis no tomorrow.
As I said, this world cup was good but not great but that is my opinion. But it is a special tournament, it brings the world together and it brings a sense of joy and well being to the world for a month.
It is hard for those of us on the other side of the world as it means late nights and hard working days, but then we can catch up with friends and talk all about the football.
That is what I shall miss, the talking, the blogging and the commentating as wannabe phooderballl experts!
Euro 2008.....come on down....
Thinking about the World Cup is making me gag... what started off so well, ended so poorly.
Really potong stim......
In terms of the World Cups I have watched I rate it such
1. 1986 (even though I watched a grand total of only 5 matches)
2. 1990
3. 1998
4. 2006
5. Toss up between 2002 and 1994
6. Toss up between 1994 and 2002
Well, I for one enjoyed the competition - evenly matched games - no hoohaa like in 2002. Of the 5 competitions that I witnessed:
1) 2006
2) 1990
3) 1998
4) 2002
5) 1994
If Argentina had won the World Cup, I'm sure you'd say it was the best competition. LOL!
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