On Friday night Metria and I caught Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire at the cinemas. Like the Episode 3 showing this movie was full of fans, a majority of them being under 12 and with their parents.
Before seeing the movie we experienced interactive cinema.
It should be noted that we were probably in the 28th minute of the advertising before the previews and movie began. Some guy was saying “get on with it” just as this add showing a man and women was being screened. He started making more and louder noise. We bought thought some guy was being agitated and were like “right on brother, I hear you as well”. But we stayed quiet as people do.
Then the screen cut to a shot of the camera crew and then the guy and crew started having a chat. We eventually found out this was an ad for a local Melbourne University. Smart.
When the movie started, it was greeted by high pitched screams and clapping, similar to Episode 3. I could not help but smile!! People love the escapism that fantasy movies bring.
I enjoyed the movie and felt that it was a very good representation of the book. Not too many parts were missed out and it covered all the important parts. The effects were spectacular especially the scenes when Harry was flying with the dragon during the first of the Triwizard events.
The part of the movie from this scene until the ball was pretty funny and after that I felt the movie paced along a bit slow. This was probably due to the fact I was waiting for the end scenes when Harry meets Voldermort.
However, during the second half of the movie I noticed the number of people that were moving out of the cinemas and back again. I guess with the crowd containing a healthy proportion of under 12’s, the 2 and a half hour movie can be a problem.
Of the actors, the guy that plays Ron is talented with an ability to act daft in a funny way. Metria thought the fella that played Cedric was cute. The guy who played Viktor Krum looked about 25 and way too old but oh well. Lastly, the actor playing Cho Chang had a Scottish accent which I found funny. Of course, the Indians were represented a bit more with Harry and Ron going on dates with the Patil sisters (I can imagine the Patil clan’s are proud)
Overall, I was very satisfied with HP4 and look forward for the 5th movie. But of course we await the 7th and final book as well. What will happen in the 7th installment? Will anyone else die?
Monday, December 05, 2005
Friday, December 02, 2005
By now Hguyen Tunong Van has been executed in Singapore. Obviously the execution has been the hot topic here on Oz telly with the commercial TV stations engaging live telecasts outside Changi Prison.
Of course they are not showing the execution but in the attempt to capture the atmosphere of groups and people that have congregated at the prison. This is quite macabre given that at this time they show children programs.
As you are aware, I feel sad for his mother more that family and friends.
In reality, the amount of heroin he was carrying is equivalent to nearly 26,000 hits and worth over $1.3m. And we all know drugs ruin and can even end lives. If I were to break it down, of those 26,000 there could be a number of people that could be victims or crime to get money to buy drugs. Also there may be a very small percentage of users who OD and then die.
Thus one could argue that the penalty fit the crime.
However, Van Hguyen was in transit at the airport in Singapore. He was not going to stop there and was actually on his way to Australia. Well this is the claim. So really, was the Singaporean Government justified in handing out such a harsh sentence? I am sure that was argued and my personal opinion he should have been arrested in Australia.
But that is to no avail anymore, he has been executed and now its time to let his family mourn his death.
Yet I think there is a more sinister motive by the Australian Government and their stand on drugs in this country.
Johnny and his boys are trying to make it very unappealing to traffickers to carry drugs and act as mules. Look at the Bali 9 case, these people were carrying drugs into Australia but were stopped before leaving. Now they will all be shot. It’s hard to deny carrying the drugs when they are strapped to your body.
So they let drug traffickers get caught going to Australia but having to stop in Country’s with the death penalty. This then sends a strong message to people considering the opportunity to bring drugs here that they will be caught and possibly die.
So does this mean Nguyen Tuong Van can be seen as a dark hero, doing what was needed to do, to justify the fight against drugs?
And again, people are not focussing on the fact that he acted as a mule to pay of the debts of his brother. So should the focus now be on the people who made him act a s a mule. Really they are the cause. They are the head and they need to be cut off.
If you were desperate for money or had to save your life or someone else’s life, would you act as a drug mule?
Of course they are not showing the execution but in the attempt to capture the atmosphere of groups and people that have congregated at the prison. This is quite macabre given that at this time they show children programs.
As you are aware, I feel sad for his mother more that family and friends.
In reality, the amount of heroin he was carrying is equivalent to nearly 26,000 hits and worth over $1.3m. And we all know drugs ruin and can even end lives. If I were to break it down, of those 26,000 there could be a number of people that could be victims or crime to get money to buy drugs. Also there may be a very small percentage of users who OD and then die.
Thus one could argue that the penalty fit the crime.
However, Van Hguyen was in transit at the airport in Singapore. He was not going to stop there and was actually on his way to Australia. Well this is the claim. So really, was the Singaporean Government justified in handing out such a harsh sentence? I am sure that was argued and my personal opinion he should have been arrested in Australia.
But that is to no avail anymore, he has been executed and now its time to let his family mourn his death.
Yet I think there is a more sinister motive by the Australian Government and their stand on drugs in this country.
Johnny and his boys are trying to make it very unappealing to traffickers to carry drugs and act as mules. Look at the Bali 9 case, these people were carrying drugs into Australia but were stopped before leaving. Now they will all be shot. It’s hard to deny carrying the drugs when they are strapped to your body.
So they let drug traffickers get caught going to Australia but having to stop in Country’s with the death penalty. This then sends a strong message to people considering the opportunity to bring drugs here that they will be caught and possibly die.
So does this mean Nguyen Tuong Van can be seen as a dark hero, doing what was needed to do, to justify the fight against drugs?
And again, people are not focussing on the fact that he acted as a mule to pay of the debts of his brother. So should the focus now be on the people who made him act a s a mule. Really they are the cause. They are the head and they need to be cut off.
If you were desperate for money or had to save your life or someone else’s life, would you act as a drug mule?
Thursday, November 24, 2005
There has been a lot of media coverage about the impending execution of Nguyen Trong Van, an Australian citizen, is about to be hanged.
When reading the articles and seeing the coverage I experience a number of emotions about this episode:
When I first heard about the case I did not really feel a lot of anything about the case. I thought "well he took the drugs and got caught so he deserves what he got". After all a lot of people here in Oz know what the penalty is for trafficking drugs in south east asia. After all we have had a lot of coverage of Schapell Corby, the Bali 9 and Michele Leslie.
You understand the impct of say 500g of heroin can have on society in terms of how many people it effects. You thinki to yourself, this is a good deterent and why doesn't Australia get tougher laws for drug traffickers.
I am not condoning or in agreement to the death penalty but maybe being bit harsher with more than a few months of jail time is warranted in these cases.
However, after delving into the finer details and being forcefed by the media I feel a sense of sorrow in this instance.
I have a great amount of symphaty for his mum. Imagine the last chance you had of seeing your chile or a loved one was of him/her in a prison. Moreso, you could not touch or console that person as you were separated by a piece of glass. All you could go was put your hand on this cold piece of glass and your loved one do the same, but never touching.
As a human, you can not help to feel this is a form of cruelty, not to the criminal but moreso to people who care for them.
However the crux of the story was he was arrested in the airport while in transit. Plus he was carrying the drugs to pay of the debts that his brother had made. By doing something for his family he will lose his life.
Imagine how his brother feels?
I also have a sense of resentment for the Singaporean government. A date of the execution was set and the Singaporean government did not inform the Australian government to advise of the date. The date was communicated by a letter sent to the mother. Considering that officials here had made a few calls calling for clemency, this should have been handled a lot better.
Knowing a number of Singaporeans and having spent some time in there, this reflects badly and incorrectly on the people and here the usual idiots are calling for Aussies to boycott anything associated with this country.
However, ultimately Singapore is not a state of Australia so they have set the rules. People may not agree with them but thats probably why they are living here in Australia. I am not having a go at Singapore, it can be a bit stale and the beer is watered down but they have the right to set the rules there, not us.
I feel sorry for the family who have had to deal with the ordeal.
When reading the articles and seeing the coverage I experience a number of emotions about this episode:
When I first heard about the case I did not really feel a lot of anything about the case. I thought "well he took the drugs and got caught so he deserves what he got". After all a lot of people here in Oz know what the penalty is for trafficking drugs in south east asia. After all we have had a lot of coverage of Schapell Corby, the Bali 9 and Michele Leslie.
You understand the impct of say 500g of heroin can have on society in terms of how many people it effects. You thinki to yourself, this is a good deterent and why doesn't Australia get tougher laws for drug traffickers.
I am not condoning or in agreement to the death penalty but maybe being bit harsher with more than a few months of jail time is warranted in these cases.
However, after delving into the finer details and being forcefed by the media I feel a sense of sorrow in this instance.
I have a great amount of symphaty for his mum. Imagine the last chance you had of seeing your chile or a loved one was of him/her in a prison. Moreso, you could not touch or console that person as you were separated by a piece of glass. All you could go was put your hand on this cold piece of glass and your loved one do the same, but never touching.
As a human, you can not help to feel this is a form of cruelty, not to the criminal but moreso to people who care for them.
However the crux of the story was he was arrested in the airport while in transit. Plus he was carrying the drugs to pay of the debts that his brother had made. By doing something for his family he will lose his life.
Imagine how his brother feels?
I also have a sense of resentment for the Singaporean government. A date of the execution was set and the Singaporean government did not inform the Australian government to advise of the date. The date was communicated by a letter sent to the mother. Considering that officials here had made a few calls calling for clemency, this should have been handled a lot better.
Knowing a number of Singaporeans and having spent some time in there, this reflects badly and incorrectly on the people and here the usual idiots are calling for Aussies to boycott anything associated with this country.
However, ultimately Singapore is not a state of Australia so they have set the rules. People may not agree with them but thats probably why they are living here in Australia. I am not having a go at Singapore, it can be a bit stale and the beer is watered down but they have the right to set the rules there, not us.
I feel sorry for the family who have had to deal with the ordeal.
Friday, November 18, 2005
We are going to the World Cup
It was a glorious feeling Wednesday night as the Australian Football team made it to the World Cup in 2006. After 31 years of non appearance and so many heartbreaking ties, the feeling that was felt by the whole of Oz land was unbelievable.
Myself, I was estactic and over the moon with joy, glee, happiness etc (all those words that are just good).
Prior to the match I was excited about the kick off but reserved given previous failures (refer to my last blog). I did not want to get too excited as I would be setting myself up for a fall, AGAIN! But I took the 50 minute drive in to the city to meet some mates.
A beer helped settle the nerves as the group attention in the pub focussed ont he telecast. However, the first 30 minutes of the match did not go to the game plan we envisaged.
Too many time the boys from down under looked unsure and U-R-GAY created a few opportunities to grab a goal and crush Australin hearts once more. There were 3 or 4 near times the Urugayans had shots at goal and hearts were set a flutter at these moments.
But after 30 minutes Harry Kewell came on and it changed the match. He added some creativity and flair and his impact was profound after just 4 minutes when he instigagted the play that set up the equalising goal.
The crowd at the statdium and the crew at the pub went balistic. We were scremaing, hugging and high fiving everyone. We got the equaliser and were back in the hunt.
The rest of the match flowed with emotions as both sides came oh so close to scoring a goal that would have changed the course of the game. Needless to say, I was on edge but sickingly, enjoying the sense of adrenalin that was developing in my body.
Australia dominated proceedings but could not score as we did not convert our chances. A lot of people felt that fate would cruelly grasp the chance to qualify into the world cup based on our previous history.
But after 120 minutes of play Oz Land won thematch 1-0 but the seriew was level 1-1. It was on to penalties.
After the emotion of watching Liverpool in Istanbul 5 months ago, I could not believe that the fate of my team was to be resolved like this once more.
One of my friends could not bear to watch and dug his face into my shoulder during the kicks. Myself I was holding on to my friends and looking upwards seeking divine intervention.
The crowd at the stadium, all 83,000 of them were going ballistic at being in this position. You could feel the urge for the Ozzies to get the win.
If a kick was converted by an Australian, it was met with a grear roar, when goal keeper Mark Swachzer made a save (he made 2) the crowd got louder. But the noise when John Aloisi converted his penalty was amazing. To be honest, I can not recall what happened at the stadium, all I remember was grabbing my 3 mates and screaming "WE WON".
We hugged each other, as men do when a great sporting moment occurs and flushed with alcohol but we hugged in a circle and danced screaming that we had finally made it to the world cup.
This moment was special because I was with 3 friends who felt the same desire, need and urge for Australia to win and make it to the world cup. And this is why the moment was special.
To Jes, Simmo and Victor - it was an amazing night!
Myself, I was estactic and over the moon with joy, glee, happiness etc (all those words that are just good).
Prior to the match I was excited about the kick off but reserved given previous failures (refer to my last blog). I did not want to get too excited as I would be setting myself up for a fall, AGAIN! But I took the 50 minute drive in to the city to meet some mates.
A beer helped settle the nerves as the group attention in the pub focussed ont he telecast. However, the first 30 minutes of the match did not go to the game plan we envisaged.
Too many time the boys from down under looked unsure and U-R-GAY created a few opportunities to grab a goal and crush Australin hearts once more. There were 3 or 4 near times the Urugayans had shots at goal and hearts were set a flutter at these moments.
But after 30 minutes Harry Kewell came on and it changed the match. He added some creativity and flair and his impact was profound after just 4 minutes when he instigagted the play that set up the equalising goal.
The crowd at the statdium and the crew at the pub went balistic. We were scremaing, hugging and high fiving everyone. We got the equaliser and were back in the hunt.
The rest of the match flowed with emotions as both sides came oh so close to scoring a goal that would have changed the course of the game. Needless to say, I was on edge but sickingly, enjoying the sense of adrenalin that was developing in my body.
Australia dominated proceedings but could not score as we did not convert our chances. A lot of people felt that fate would cruelly grasp the chance to qualify into the world cup based on our previous history.
But after 120 minutes of play Oz Land won thematch 1-0 but the seriew was level 1-1. It was on to penalties.
After the emotion of watching Liverpool in Istanbul 5 months ago, I could not believe that the fate of my team was to be resolved like this once more.
One of my friends could not bear to watch and dug his face into my shoulder during the kicks. Myself I was holding on to my friends and looking upwards seeking divine intervention.
The crowd at the stadium, all 83,000 of them were going ballistic at being in this position. You could feel the urge for the Ozzies to get the win.
If a kick was converted by an Australian, it was met with a grear roar, when goal keeper Mark Swachzer made a save (he made 2) the crowd got louder. But the noise when John Aloisi converted his penalty was amazing. To be honest, I can not recall what happened at the stadium, all I remember was grabbing my 3 mates and screaming "WE WON".
We hugged each other, as men do when a great sporting moment occurs and flushed with alcohol but we hugged in a circle and danced screaming that we had finally made it to the world cup.
This moment was special because I was with 3 friends who felt the same desire, need and urge for Australia to win and make it to the world cup. And this is why the moment was special.
To Jes, Simmo and Victor - it was an amazing night!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Ever since the earlu 90's I developed a string taste for soccer or football, as it is now officially known as, I have go through this ritual every 4 years. Asutralia makes it to the final qualification round and when we look like we are close we get bumped out of being involved inthe World cup of football.
Of course the most painful of the 3 qualifications i recall was the one against Iran. Just mention 'The Iran Game" and people know what you are on about and the pain that was felt. For those that do not recall or knop of it, we drew 1-1 over in Iran and led 2-0 here with 15 miutes to go. We dominated the return leg and should have been 4/5 goals up! Then some opest runs on the pitch and pulls down the net, forcing the game to be delayed for about 10 minutes. Time that allowed Iran to refocus. The end result was they scored 2 goals in 5 minutes. packed the defence for 10 minutes and were through.
I was distraught and upset. So close.
There were dissapointments against Argentina in 1991 where a crappy own goal led to undoing and the last qualification games where we took a 1 goal lead to Uruguay and came back with a 3-0 loss and outta the finals.
Its that time of the 4 year cycle again. Again we play Uruguay and this time we have the final qualification game here in Australia. Is this the chance for redemption?
I pray it happens. This time it is Uruguay who come here with a 1 goal lead. but our chance to score a bag and qualify.
This is probably the best team we have put out on the pitch. We have quality strikers and attaking midfielders, things old aussie teams did not have. Our defenders are old and not a pacy but lets hope they do the job and nullify the Uruguayans.
Also its about time they are remande, no longer is the "Socceroos" a valid name, time for the "FootyRoos".
Wish I was in Sydney but I hope I feel the thrill of us qualifying in about 12 hours time.
Of course the most painful of the 3 qualifications i recall was the one against Iran. Just mention 'The Iran Game" and people know what you are on about and the pain that was felt. For those that do not recall or knop of it, we drew 1-1 over in Iran and led 2-0 here with 15 miutes to go. We dominated the return leg and should have been 4/5 goals up! Then some opest runs on the pitch and pulls down the net, forcing the game to be delayed for about 10 minutes. Time that allowed Iran to refocus. The end result was they scored 2 goals in 5 minutes. packed the defence for 10 minutes and were through.
I was distraught and upset. So close.
There were dissapointments against Argentina in 1991 where a crappy own goal led to undoing and the last qualification games where we took a 1 goal lead to Uruguay and came back with a 3-0 loss and outta the finals.
Its that time of the 4 year cycle again. Again we play Uruguay and this time we have the final qualification game here in Australia. Is this the chance for redemption?
I pray it happens. This time it is Uruguay who come here with a 1 goal lead. but our chance to score a bag and qualify.
This is probably the best team we have put out on the pitch. We have quality strikers and attaking midfielders, things old aussie teams did not have. Our defenders are old and not a pacy but lets hope they do the job and nullify the Uruguayans.
Also its about time they are remande, no longer is the "Socceroos" a valid name, time for the "FootyRoos".
Wish I was in Sydney but I hope I feel the thrill of us qualifying in about 12 hours time.
Monday, November 14, 2005
In and out of the laws
I know...I know..its been a very long time since I wrote here. Sorry been slack.
Talking about being slack, I believe that my in laws probably have a sense that I can be lazy at times. but really, the difference being slack and evaluating the need to do the work is dependent on the person.
No need to get into examples and relive the experience but I have a bit more of a clear idea of what needs to be done in the future.
About the in laws, when they came we showed them over Melbourne. We visited Mornington, the city, drove down Great Ocean Road to Lorne and of course had some fun in the Dandenong Mountains.
I personally enjoyed the MorningtonPeninsula area as we embarked on a wine tour and it was a gorgeous sunny day. The only drawback was we visited only 2 wineries rather that the 5 or so I envisaged. Still the wine tasting was fun and I got a buzz out of things. The best was I did not have to drive, Metria is not a drinker so she was the DD (designated driver).
The trip to Lorne was another highlight, and I do enjoy the vibe or Torquay. Ity can be a chilly day but the ocean views are worth it. Maybe I transfer to Geelong and commute the 30 minutes to Geelong? hmmmm.....
Now the in laws have departed and we are back to normality. But there are lots to do and no time to be slack.
Talking about being slack, I believe that my in laws probably have a sense that I can be lazy at times. but really, the difference being slack and evaluating the need to do the work is dependent on the person.
No need to get into examples and relive the experience but I have a bit more of a clear idea of what needs to be done in the future.
About the in laws, when they came we showed them over Melbourne. We visited Mornington, the city, drove down Great Ocean Road to Lorne and of course had some fun in the Dandenong Mountains.
I personally enjoyed the MorningtonPeninsula area as we embarked on a wine tour and it was a gorgeous sunny day. The only drawback was we visited only 2 wineries rather that the 5 or so I envisaged. Still the wine tasting was fun and I got a buzz out of things. The best was I did not have to drive, Metria is not a drinker so she was the DD (designated driver).
The trip to Lorne was another highlight, and I do enjoy the vibe or Torquay. Ity can be a chilly day but the ocean views are worth it. Maybe I transfer to Geelong and commute the 30 minutes to Geelong? hmmmm.....
Now the in laws have departed and we are back to normality. But there are lots to do and no time to be slack.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Red Rivalry
Lets get back to Football again.
This Sunday (Aussie time) sees the biggest game of the season, well one of 2. Its my beloved Liverpool against the evil empire that is Manchester United.
No matter what fans of Arsenal and Chelsea, and the media say, this rivalry is the biggest on a worldwide scale. Sure Chelsea are the big pimps of the EPL and Arsenal have been a power the last few season but in terms of the fans and the people, this is bigger.
I think fans of Chelsea and Arsenal see their matches with Liverpool and Man U as being big is primarily because they see themselves as competitors for titles. While that is true I think the intense rivalry between fans and players is higher when ‘pool plays man-u.
Sure last season Arsenal and Man United games were intense but that was the race for 2nd place and after the pizza throwing incident, the return match at Highbury was well built up. Chelsea and Liverpool also had a healthy rivalry last season what with Chelsea victorious in local games, including a final and Pool winning the Champions League final in controversial fashion.
But back to Man U and Liverpool, I believe why this rivalry is so intense is due to the teams being so similar. Both practically neighbours, both teams wear red, both teams have a proud history, both cities are working class.
Man U players and fans will be eager to take on the European Champions while Liverpool will be keen to show they can play well in England.
Hence the game will be a corker. I anticipate the Pool to win 3-1 but the game will be tight.
This Sunday (Aussie time) sees the biggest game of the season, well one of 2. Its my beloved Liverpool against the evil empire that is Manchester United.
No matter what fans of Arsenal and Chelsea, and the media say, this rivalry is the biggest on a worldwide scale. Sure Chelsea are the big pimps of the EPL and Arsenal have been a power the last few season but in terms of the fans and the people, this is bigger.
I think fans of Chelsea and Arsenal see their matches with Liverpool and Man U as being big is primarily because they see themselves as competitors for titles. While that is true I think the intense rivalry between fans and players is higher when ‘pool plays man-u.
Sure last season Arsenal and Man United games were intense but that was the race for 2nd place and after the pizza throwing incident, the return match at Highbury was well built up. Chelsea and Liverpool also had a healthy rivalry last season what with Chelsea victorious in local games, including a final and Pool winning the Champions League final in controversial fashion.
But back to Man U and Liverpool, I believe why this rivalry is so intense is due to the teams being so similar. Both practically neighbours, both teams wear red, both teams have a proud history, both cities are working class.
Man U players and fans will be eager to take on the European Champions while Liverpool will be keen to show they can play well in England.
Hence the game will be a corker. I anticipate the Pool to win 3-1 but the game will be tight.
Friday, September 02, 2005
iPod Gifts
Well I bought Metria a very early birthday present yesterday. An iPod mini! IU knew she wanted one and after I brought it she was all "you should not have bought it, I was only joking". But we men folk know women want stuff like that. Actually all people know, this is a desire we express in some false hope.
So I said to myself, Metria has put up with me and has been nice and puts up with my shenanigans, so why not!
Last night there were a few issues with setting the songs on the iPod but eventually we worked it out.
Her birthday is still 7 weeks away but she is working and can enioy listening to her hindi songs on the train ride to and from work. I just hope she does not get lost sometime and starts singing, imagin one of those high notes being sung in the train carriage.
Enjoy...now can i borrow and put a few songs in there.
So I said to myself, Metria has put up with me and has been nice and puts up with my shenanigans, so why not!
Last night there were a few issues with setting the songs on the iPod but eventually we worked it out.
Her birthday is still 7 weeks away but she is working and can enioy listening to her hindi songs on the train ride to and from work. I just hope she does not get lost sometime and starts singing, imagin one of those high notes being sung in the train carriage.
Enjoy...now can i borrow and put a few songs in there.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
The comeback
Woo Hoo, Metria has just left KLIA and is on here way home. I can not wait for the arrival later tonight.
The 2 weeks she has been away has made me appreciate her and what we have a lot more. It was our first time apart since we got married and I figured out that our joining was the best decision I ever made.
I know she says she misses Jordan more, but she likes to hide these feelings, just to make me suffer more.
Still tonight it will fantastic to hold my baby in my arms.
Plus she has a few items which she has bought for me so that is an added bonus. HA HA
But I can not wait, my baby is BACK!
The 2 weeks she has been away has made me appreciate her and what we have a lot more. It was our first time apart since we got married and I figured out that our joining was the best decision I ever made.
I know she says she misses Jordan more, but she likes to hide these feelings, just to make me suffer more.
Still tonight it will fantastic to hold my baby in my arms.
Plus she has a few items which she has bought for me so that is an added bonus. HA HA
But I can not wait, my baby is BACK!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Where is the colour?
What annoys me about Australia is the BS about multiculturalism but when you switch on the TV, where is the colour?
The biggest Australian made shows on the TV are Blue Heelers, Home and Away, Neighbours, McLeods Daughters to name a few. All cast and main characters happen to carry the same skin tone. WHITE. On occasion, you see someone with a bit of brown but that's after they return from a summer holiday.
The only time that people of ethnic origin are included in these programs is when they need a bad guy, a terrorist, a drug dealer or someone stupid.
Where are the roles for Chinese, Indian, Lebanese, African and other nationalities. When will a main character of non Anglo Saxon origin be able to take a prominent role on an Australian serial?
Look at the US and ER has a Punjabi doctor, plus characters who are non-white. In the UK, shows such as The Bill have characters of Asian and Jamaican origin.
Why can't Australian television producers start including characters from the wide spectrum of nationalities in this wonderful character. These shows do not represent real life.
When you go to the office, to the shops, to work you encounter people who have originated from all over the globe, except in Ramsay Street and Summer Bay I guess!
The last thing I need to say is the best grossing movie from Australia in 2003 was Fat Pizza. A show with characters from every facet of Australia and mainly Lebanese. Al other movies have not been able to garner this success and it is evident that Australian cinema is not able to develop the shows that Australians want to see.
Its time the movie makers look at the various groups in the fair land and start developing this wasted talent as it appears that people do not want to see movies about "me and be dumb mate".
The biggest Australian made shows on the TV are Blue Heelers, Home and Away, Neighbours, McLeods Daughters to name a few. All cast and main characters happen to carry the same skin tone. WHITE. On occasion, you see someone with a bit of brown but that's after they return from a summer holiday.
The only time that people of ethnic origin are included in these programs is when they need a bad guy, a terrorist, a drug dealer or someone stupid.
Where are the roles for Chinese, Indian, Lebanese, African and other nationalities. When will a main character of non Anglo Saxon origin be able to take a prominent role on an Australian serial?
Look at the US and ER has a Punjabi doctor, plus characters who are non-white. In the UK, shows such as The Bill have characters of Asian and Jamaican origin.
Why can't Australian television producers start including characters from the wide spectrum of nationalities in this wonderful character. These shows do not represent real life.
When you go to the office, to the shops, to work you encounter people who have originated from all over the globe, except in Ramsay Street and Summer Bay I guess!
The last thing I need to say is the best grossing movie from Australia in 2003 was Fat Pizza. A show with characters from every facet of Australia and mainly Lebanese. Al other movies have not been able to garner this success and it is evident that Australian cinema is not able to develop the shows that Australians want to see.
Its time the movie makers look at the various groups in the fair land and start developing this wasted talent as it appears that people do not want to see movies about "me and be dumb mate".
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
JORDAN - super doggie stylez

I would like to introduce you to my main dawg......JORDAN
This wonderfull and fluffy little tike entered our lives in late May 2005. Metria and I used to head down to the RSPCA as she was fond of dogs. To keep her company at home I 'thought' getting a dog would be a good idea.
He is a gorgeous and very friendly dog. Our time together has seen him do a lot of silly things with him. We like to hid and make him find us, Metria is not so easy but me, well whenhe walks in a room he can usually see me straight away.
But I was never a dog person, my family never had a pet but now I have one I can not think of a reason why I would not have one.
Have a look at the dog, he adds another dimension ot the lives of Metria and myself.
Friday, July 22, 2005
I am quite bored today, it hard being in the office when the sun is shinning, previously the days have been overcast and cold. While the cool air is still present, the clouds have disappeared and it has inspired a lot of people to try to be out and enjoy the weather. The big problem people face is that by 6pm, the sun is down and it starts getting cold. But hopefully tomorrow the day will be like this and people can enjoy it.
I can not wait for the weekend to come and at 4pm today I will be out of the office and on my way home to relax and chill. This weekend could be busy. Tomorrow afternoon I will be off playing football and then a friend comes over Saturday night.
Sunday, for some outlandish reason, I decided to enter a golf tournament with some of the local community. Don’t know why, I kind of regretting it now as it means for 5 to 6 hours I will be walking around a course, hitting and losing balls. Getting frustrated and my feet will be sore by 1pm.
Oh well, it is something I want to do but just can not get the drive to play 18 holes of golf. Still I shall undertake and let you know how I perform.
But then Monday comes, the weekend is over too quickly. Should we re-organise the week so we work 4 days and have 3 days off. Or make Wednesdays a day off!
Let's start a revolution!
I can not wait for the weekend to come and at 4pm today I will be out of the office and on my way home to relax and chill. This weekend could be busy. Tomorrow afternoon I will be off playing football and then a friend comes over Saturday night.
Sunday, for some outlandish reason, I decided to enter a golf tournament with some of the local community. Don’t know why, I kind of regretting it now as it means for 5 to 6 hours I will be walking around a course, hitting and losing balls. Getting frustrated and my feet will be sore by 1pm.
Oh well, it is something I want to do but just can not get the drive to play 18 holes of golf. Still I shall undertake and let you know how I perform.
But then Monday comes, the weekend is over too quickly. Should we re-organise the week so we work 4 days and have 3 days off. Or make Wednesdays a day off!
Let's start a revolution!
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Connections with fairy tale creatures
Now that Metria has finally read HP6, I can discuss the book, so if you do not want to know what happens do NOT read on......
Well the big thing to come from this book was the death of Dumbledore. I was shocked about it and most fans were. Some people may think its crazy to feel so sad about a fictional character, but sometimes in life and in books, we adopt certain characters because they represent something that is important.
In Dumbledore's case, he represented the wise, fatherly and protective figure in life. His death was sad as he was the one poweful and good constant in the book. Now the onus is on Harry to deal with the adventures in the next and final book.
This plot twists ensures that the next one will require Harry to make his own decisions and see them through. Kind of life, when we are made to go out on our own and make decisions whether we are ready or not. I do admit in most peoples cases, its not about saving the world from great evil.
I wonder what readers would think of this plot twist. People will feel sad but most can not wait for the next one and we can expect that in maybe 2 years time.
The other issue is whether Ron and Hermoine are going to get it on? They have feelings but maybe in the end they will get it on, you never know!
Still, I am looking forward to the next book, Metria wonders if Snape is a double agent and was told by Dumbledore to kill him if he was ever in this situation? I do not think so, as that would be way too much. No one would ever forgive him. But the battle between Snape and Harry is another plot line to develop.
A lot of questions and a few answers for number 7.
In the end, well done to JK, she came up with a concept and now the boy wizard rules the world!
Well the big thing to come from this book was the death of Dumbledore. I was shocked about it and most fans were. Some people may think its crazy to feel so sad about a fictional character, but sometimes in life and in books, we adopt certain characters because they represent something that is important.
In Dumbledore's case, he represented the wise, fatherly and protective figure in life. His death was sad as he was the one poweful and good constant in the book. Now the onus is on Harry to deal with the adventures in the next and final book.
This plot twists ensures that the next one will require Harry to make his own decisions and see them through. Kind of life, when we are made to go out on our own and make decisions whether we are ready or not. I do admit in most peoples cases, its not about saving the world from great evil.
I wonder what readers would think of this plot twist. People will feel sad but most can not wait for the next one and we can expect that in maybe 2 years time.
The other issue is whether Ron and Hermoine are going to get it on? They have feelings but maybe in the end they will get it on, you never know!
Still, I am looking forward to the next book, Metria wonders if Snape is a double agent and was told by Dumbledore to kill him if he was ever in this situation? I do not think so, as that would be way too much. No one would ever forgive him. But the battle between Snape and Harry is another plot line to develop.
A lot of questions and a few answers for number 7.
In the end, well done to JK, she came up with a concept and now the boy wizard rules the world!
My LFC wish list for 2005/06
Lets talk football, no not Aussie Rules but the world game. The season will be kicking off in a few weeks and my boys at Liverpool are already in action.
Realistically, I do not think they can win the premiership but I hope they can surpass Arsenal or Manchester United a finish in the top 3. Then the following year I hope we challenge.
Now that the Scousers have won the Champions League, they will be focussing on the EPL. This is a must not for the English fans, but their fans throughout the world. I think in places like Malaysia and Singapore, they have a huge fan base. But in most parts of the world its “Man U” and there are sprinklings of support for Arsenal and Chelsea around the place.
But that last match of the previous season, the 3-3 come back, the penalty kicks, what a way for the team to win a major trophy and come back to the foray.
I am pretty excited about the signings, we got back Stevvie G and he has been on fire lately. If he keeps this up, he has to be player of the year or some major award consideration. I like some of the new players and pray we can get Figo (and lets hope they do not call him Fogi), he is one of my favourite players and although he is on the downward, the experience he will bring and the influence on players like Gonzales, Sissoko, Zenden, Stevvie, Xabi, Cisse etc will be priceless in the long run.
I also like the arrival of Crouch, a big bloke who will do wonder domestically. I reckon if he plays with Baros they will form a pretty decent combination. Baros dominates intenationally because he has the 2m giant Jan Koller along with him. Crouch could help him out the same. There has been talk about selling Baros, but I dunno. Then again, we have Cisse and Morientes as a strike force, so how strong the attack!
The new keeper Reina should stop those silly goals that Dudek let in and this way, we should grab a few more points.
This season I am not asking for much, but a significant improvement in the premiership. Time to build for a decade of championships!
Viva the Rafalution!
Realistically, I do not think they can win the premiership but I hope they can surpass Arsenal or Manchester United a finish in the top 3. Then the following year I hope we challenge.
Now that the Scousers have won the Champions League, they will be focussing on the EPL. This is a must not for the English fans, but their fans throughout the world. I think in places like Malaysia and Singapore, they have a huge fan base. But in most parts of the world its “Man U” and there are sprinklings of support for Arsenal and Chelsea around the place.
But that last match of the previous season, the 3-3 come back, the penalty kicks, what a way for the team to win a major trophy and come back to the foray.
I am pretty excited about the signings, we got back Stevvie G and he has been on fire lately. If he keeps this up, he has to be player of the year or some major award consideration. I like some of the new players and pray we can get Figo (and lets hope they do not call him Fogi), he is one of my favourite players and although he is on the downward, the experience he will bring and the influence on players like Gonzales, Sissoko, Zenden, Stevvie, Xabi, Cisse etc will be priceless in the long run.
I also like the arrival of Crouch, a big bloke who will do wonder domestically. I reckon if he plays with Baros they will form a pretty decent combination. Baros dominates intenationally because he has the 2m giant Jan Koller along with him. Crouch could help him out the same. There has been talk about selling Baros, but I dunno. Then again, we have Cisse and Morientes as a strike force, so how strong the attack!
The new keeper Reina should stop those silly goals that Dudek let in and this way, we should grab a few more points.
This season I am not asking for much, but a significant improvement in the premiership. Time to build for a decade of championships!
Viva the Rafalution!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Some Muggle Statistics
Just read some information about the Harry Potter Book.
According to Aussie stats there have been 1.5 million copies sold.
That breaks down to 1 copy per 13.92 people and 1 copy per 4.62 households.
Pretty good.
Finally finished the book and it was a good read. There is a big ending and it sets itself up nicely for the 7th and probable finale.
It was a typical HP book, the start sets up with a review of what happened in number 5 (Order of the Phoenix) and then it ambles along to update you to what happened since. Then they finally get to school and enjoy their lessons, Quidditch and start talking a bit more about Voldermort or he who must not be named for the scared cats.
But the final 5 chapters is when it just goes at light speed.
So a warning, if you are reading the book and you want to sleep make sure you stop before the final chapters.
Now I have to potter around and do something else.
PS: Still missing you Metria
According to Aussie stats there have been 1.5 million copies sold.
That breaks down to 1 copy per 13.92 people and 1 copy per 4.62 households.
Pretty good.
Finally finished the book and it was a good read. There is a big ending and it sets itself up nicely for the 7th and probable finale.
It was a typical HP book, the start sets up with a review of what happened in number 5 (Order of the Phoenix) and then it ambles along to update you to what happened since. Then they finally get to school and enjoy their lessons, Quidditch and start talking a bit more about Voldermort or he who must not be named for the scared cats.
But the final 5 chapters is when it just goes at light speed.
So a warning, if you are reading the book and you want to sleep make sure you stop before the final chapters.
Now I have to potter around and do something else.
PS: Still missing you Metria
Monday, July 18, 2005
Its Monday and there is not much to do
As the title suggest I am here on a Monday evening and bored outta my brain. Metria is still 8000 kms away and i have nearly finished HP#6 and I shall talk about that another day.
Mondays are generally boring, nothing is on TV until later when 'Desperate Housewives' and '24' start. I like 24, its got a good storyline and I like the hype. DH is good and all that but its more a girl story isn't it. Still can't complain about Teri Hatcher (although Metria is much more appealing!)
Thinking about the weekend, we had a football/soccer match on Saturday. Due to various reasons we were short and I had to play. Normally I manage the side but today I had to play.
It was a new ground so the grass was good, not a good surface of me because the play is quicker and me...Well lets say its damm hard to keep up! We basically got whopped 5-1 and the first 2 goals went right over my head, and two passes later - GOAL!
Damm....Not our best game and if we had a few more of our regulars, the it would have been different.
Was pretty hard on myself, the guys were saying I could not be expected to do and run much, but still, a couple of fundamental errors by me cost us the game.
And yesterday - Sunday, well I had to fight a flu. I was sneezing all day with such ferocity that I nearly ruptured my brain. Poor Jordan was just looking at me freaking out. Anyway, it gave me the chance to read HP6 so can't complain.
Still....I am missing my Metria
Mondays are generally boring, nothing is on TV until later when 'Desperate Housewives' and '24' start. I like 24, its got a good storyline and I like the hype. DH is good and all that but its more a girl story isn't it. Still can't complain about Teri Hatcher (although Metria is much more appealing!)
Thinking about the weekend, we had a football/soccer match on Saturday. Due to various reasons we were short and I had to play. Normally I manage the side but today I had to play.
It was a new ground so the grass was good, not a good surface of me because the play is quicker and me...Well lets say its damm hard to keep up! We basically got whopped 5-1 and the first 2 goals went right over my head, and two passes later - GOAL!
Damm....Not our best game and if we had a few more of our regulars, the it would have been different.
Was pretty hard on myself, the guys were saying I could not be expected to do and run much, but still, a couple of fundamental errors by me cost us the game.
And yesterday - Sunday, well I had to fight a flu. I was sneezing all day with such ferocity that I nearly ruptured my brain. Poor Jordan was just looking at me freaking out. Anyway, it gave me the chance to read HP6 so can't complain.
Still....I am missing my Metria
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Knowing part 2
Well its day 3 of bachelorhood as Metria is still away overseas. The day started out well with the sun shining and you do feel happy. Now the clouds have come and its a bit dull.
Added to this was not sleeping well last night, not because I was upset but I feel a flu overcoming me. My nose is runny and I have been sneezing. Man it would suck to get sick now. Better take those vitamin C and Garlic tablets as they do help prevent the cold.
Anyway, am missing Metria still as its is just way too quiet in the house. I have resorted to having the TV on loud so the house has some vibe to it. Hope she is enjoying her nasi lemak or kway teow that she will be whacking.
When you leave your home town and move interstate or overseas there is a adjustment period. Its harder when you are out of university because there are less barriers to make friends. Everyone is young and want to meet people and there are lots of people to meet. When you come later in life, people work so social opportunities in a relaxed manner are few. Took me nearly a year to make a good group of friends but know I really like Melbourne!
Hopefully this trip will allow Metria to retouch contact with friends and family and allow her to believe that moving to Melbourne was a good choice for her, and marrying me of course!
By the way, Jordan is sitting in the lounge watching the world go by.
Added to this was not sleeping well last night, not because I was upset but I feel a flu overcoming me. My nose is runny and I have been sneezing. Man it would suck to get sick now. Better take those vitamin C and Garlic tablets as they do help prevent the cold.
Anyway, am missing Metria still as its is just way too quiet in the house. I have resorted to having the TV on loud so the house has some vibe to it. Hope she is enjoying her nasi lemak or kway teow that she will be whacking.
When you leave your home town and move interstate or overseas there is a adjustment period. Its harder when you are out of university because there are less barriers to make friends. Everyone is young and want to meet people and there are lots of people to meet. When you come later in life, people work so social opportunities in a relaxed manner are few. Took me nearly a year to make a good group of friends but know I really like Melbourne!
Hopefully this trip will allow Metria to retouch contact with friends and family and allow her to believe that moving to Melbourne was a good choice for her, and marrying me of course!
By the way, Jordan is sitting in the lounge watching the world go by.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Attention all Muggles # 6 is out
The 6th and second last book in the Harry Potter series has just been released. Good timing so it will allow me to make use of all this spare time I have now that Metria is o/s.
I pre-ordered the book and it was released at 9.01am today,my time.
It was a big deal as book stores had to secure the books and could not even open the boxes until this morning. Talk about a big deal. I am sure most would have heard of the stories of people trying to steal copies, and people given a copy had to sign non-disclosure pacts. This book business is a big deal and HP series is by far the biggest hoo-hah in my lifetime.
Still I can not wait to read it, I have read the first few paragraphs and it is worth the wait.
I went down to the big book store about 8.45am and the queue stunned me, it was over 100m long. Instead of waiting I decided to go to the front and observe what was happening. A few girls had dressed up in Gryffendor scarfs and cloaks and a little cute girl was dressed as a little Hermoine. She had won a competition to get the first copy.
There was also a security guard in front of the first box and the staff at the box store were counting down, 5 minutes, 4 minutes, 3, 2, 1 and then it was a count down, 40 seconds, 30, 20 and then it started, 10, 9, 8...Until it was official, the release of the book was underway!
People were cheering and cameras were flashing. I soaked the atmosphere in, the crowd was mainly teenage girls and little kids with parents. As the queue went along the ages varied with a cross section of society. You could see the happiness from some of the children as they finally grasped a copy of the book they had waited 2 years to come!
Its good to see this enthusiasm for books and I hope it was worth the wait. Personally I have enjoyed the series ever since I saw the first movie and thought "hey there is something good here".
I can not wait to start reading it, its quite exciting!
I pre-ordered the book and it was released at 9.01am today,my time.
It was a big deal as book stores had to secure the books and could not even open the boxes until this morning. Talk about a big deal. I am sure most would have heard of the stories of people trying to steal copies, and people given a copy had to sign non-disclosure pacts. This book business is a big deal and HP series is by far the biggest hoo-hah in my lifetime.
Still I can not wait to read it, I have read the first few paragraphs and it is worth the wait.
I went down to the big book store about 8.45am and the queue stunned me, it was over 100m long. Instead of waiting I decided to go to the front and observe what was happening. A few girls had dressed up in Gryffendor scarfs and cloaks and a little cute girl was dressed as a little Hermoine. She had won a competition to get the first copy.
There was also a security guard in front of the first box and the staff at the box store were counting down, 5 minutes, 4 minutes, 3, 2, 1 and then it was a count down, 40 seconds, 30, 20 and then it started, 10, 9, 8...Until it was official, the release of the book was underway!
People were cheering and cameras were flashing. I soaked the atmosphere in, the crowd was mainly teenage girls and little kids with parents. As the queue went along the ages varied with a cross section of society. You could see the happiness from some of the children as they finally grasped a copy of the book they had waited 2 years to come!
Its good to see this enthusiasm for books and I hope it was worth the wait. Personally I have enjoyed the series ever since I saw the first movie and thought "hey there is something good here".
I can not wait to start reading it, its quite exciting!
Friday, July 15, 2005
Knowing what she means to you - Part 1
Metria took off back to her home in Malaysia about 2 and a half hours ago and the place is just too quiet. Sure I have Jordan, our dog, to keep me busy but I truly am finding the quiet unsettling.
What exemplifies the situation is the weather today has been grey and dull. Talk about really coming to the play!! Way to go weather. And that song by Akon thats called "Lonely" keeps playing in my head!!
Still at least this shows me how much I care and love the Metria. She has been gone a few hours and I feel the gap in life.
Finding that one to spend the rest of your life with is a crazy experience, but when that person leaves you, even temporarily, it does show you how much you really care for the person.
Yet I know that in a few days, the depressive thoughts shall lift and I will feel better. But the day Metria arrives will be a great day.
Her family and friends back home will be glad she came to visit them and will be sad when she leaves but I guess they know this here, is where her heart waits!
Anyway its good to come back to the blog!
What exemplifies the situation is the weather today has been grey and dull. Talk about really coming to the play!! Way to go weather. And that song by Akon thats called "Lonely" keeps playing in my head!!
Still at least this shows me how much I care and love the Metria. She has been gone a few hours and I feel the gap in life.
Finding that one to spend the rest of your life with is a crazy experience, but when that person leaves you, even temporarily, it does show you how much you really care for the person.
Yet I know that in a few days, the depressive thoughts shall lift and I will feel better. But the day Metria arrives will be a great day.
Her family and friends back home will be glad she came to visit them and will be sad when she leaves but I guess they know this here, is where her heart waits!
Anyway its good to come back to the blog!
Thursday, May 19, 2005
It was worth the wait
Finally, at about 12.30am last night, the familiar words "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." came on the screen, then we were hit with that familiar theme.
Yes Star Wars Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith was ON!
And it was definitely worth the wait. Fantastic special effects and the story was all tied up. In my opinion it is the best movie of the franchise. You went through all the emotions and you witness how Anakin becomes Darth Vader.
However, what got my attention was when me and Mrs D got to the cinema, we were met by another 1000 or so fans. Some even came dressed up in star wars gear. But my favorite was the table that was selling star wars paraphenelia and a working light sabre. Yes i got very excited and had to try it on. Even took a picture of me with it.
Man what a night!!
Now I have to conspire and see it again!!
Yes Star Wars Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith was ON!
And it was definitely worth the wait. Fantastic special effects and the story was all tied up. In my opinion it is the best movie of the franchise. You went through all the emotions and you witness how Anakin becomes Darth Vader.
However, what got my attention was when me and Mrs D got to the cinema, we were met by another 1000 or so fans. Some even came dressed up in star wars gear. But my favorite was the table that was selling star wars paraphenelia and a working light sabre. Yes i got very excited and had to try it on. Even took a picture of me with it.
Man what a night!!
Now I have to conspire and see it again!!
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Well its that day of days. The day when the flower, chocolate, restaurants and teddy bear companies get p-a-i-d.
Yes Valentines Day!
Anyone notice the substantial increase in prices for roses!
It’s a day when a man and woman show their appreciation for each other and when single people feel like crap.
Lets look what happens at a single person on this day:
They get up and scurry through emails, newspapers and their phone to see if anyone has left a message. They do see a message but its from a friend or some person who they don’t want to have a relationship with. The end result you have a percentage of the population feeling very sad and depressed.
Then there are couples. What can you get them that will out do what happened last year. Now we get into expectations. See guys being simple beings just thing flowers, chocolates and a nice romantic are good enough for the loving feelings and to think the girl will really appreciate it. But then the girl thinks, that was what I expected and I appreciate it, but where was the excitement and thought into this present.
I am not blogging to be perceived as being a tight fisted moghul or cheap or unromantic just letting people out there know what guys perception is of Valentines Day (no matter what they say this has crossed their mind).
All a guy really wants to do is get in your pants – no matter how much he loves you. Its all about the S-E-X. The flowers a single guy sends to a girl he has a crush on is to get in her pants. Married men send their loved ones flowers so they can count on one day where they get some action.
But, ultimately, we do love our girls be they wives, girlfriends and fiancés and yes we want to make you happy. So you do get the flowers and chocolates.
But spare a thought for us. It would be nice if the girls sent us guys some roses and chocolates!
Yes Valentines Day!
Anyone notice the substantial increase in prices for roses!
It’s a day when a man and woman show their appreciation for each other and when single people feel like crap.
Lets look what happens at a single person on this day:
They get up and scurry through emails, newspapers and their phone to see if anyone has left a message. They do see a message but its from a friend or some person who they don’t want to have a relationship with. The end result you have a percentage of the population feeling very sad and depressed.
Then there are couples. What can you get them that will out do what happened last year. Now we get into expectations. See guys being simple beings just thing flowers, chocolates and a nice romantic are good enough for the loving feelings and to think the girl will really appreciate it. But then the girl thinks, that was what I expected and I appreciate it, but where was the excitement and thought into this present.
I am not blogging to be perceived as being a tight fisted moghul or cheap or unromantic just letting people out there know what guys perception is of Valentines Day (no matter what they say this has crossed their mind).
All a guy really wants to do is get in your pants – no matter how much he loves you. Its all about the S-E-X. The flowers a single guy sends to a girl he has a crush on is to get in her pants. Married men send their loved ones flowers so they can count on one day where they get some action.
But, ultimately, we do love our girls be they wives, girlfriends and fiancés and yes we want to make you happy. So you do get the flowers and chocolates.
But spare a thought for us. It would be nice if the girls sent us guys some roses and chocolates!
Thursday, February 10, 2005
The hype has started
Well the hype is starting to build up and the days of bachelorhood are coming to a close. Am excited and nervous all at the same time. More than anything I want the time to come so I can start enjoying myself and getting into the swing of the marriage festivities.
My beard is quite grown and needs a trim as its getting too long (and annoying). Everyone has an opinion on the beard, some people say it should be long some say it should be short. I want to trim it to number 2 and it will be right sexy and smart!!
My only concern is whether I still fit into my suit for the wedding. Was sick and a few kilo’s lighter but I should be ok! Looking forward to being all dressed in my beige suit and red turban
Chak Dey Fateh!
My beard is quite grown and needs a trim as its getting too long (and annoying). Everyone has an opinion on the beard, some people say it should be long some say it should be short. I want to trim it to number 2 and it will be right sexy and smart!!
My only concern is whether I still fit into my suit for the wedding. Was sick and a few kilo’s lighter but I should be ok! Looking forward to being all dressed in my beige suit and red turban
Chak Dey Fateh!
Monday, February 07, 2005
Superbowl Monday
Well its that great American day today, the Superbowl!
After 6 months of stop and start football, the big game is here and I am at home to watch one of America's favourite events.
Yers the game is slow, with players stopping and starting after about 10 seconds of actual game play but really what is the game about?
Its all about the razaamatazz and p[iazz opf the half time show and the millins spent on the ads.
Its quite an expereince to sit there and watch the game being secondary to the hoopla around it.
Think not,remember last years Superbowl, where we heard the term "waldrobe Malfunction" come into existence for the first time. That was spoken about more than the gamW!
As a Janet Jackson fan, I used to lust after her and after seeing the goods I was disappointed but hey, I should not cmplain, pone of my boyhood fantasies has finally come true!
Anyway back to the game, my pick is the Eagles although the Patriots have the expereince and the better side.
But in sports I succumb to the Mighty Ducks School of Underdogs and I want the underdog to win.
Go Eagles!
After 6 months of stop and start football, the big game is here and I am at home to watch one of America's favourite events.
Yers the game is slow, with players stopping and starting after about 10 seconds of actual game play but really what is the game about?
Its all about the razaamatazz and p[iazz opf the half time show and the millins spent on the ads.
Its quite an expereince to sit there and watch the game being secondary to the hoopla around it.
Think not,remember last years Superbowl, where we heard the term "waldrobe Malfunction" come into existence for the first time. That was spoken about more than the gamW!
As a Janet Jackson fan, I used to lust after her and after seeing the goods I was disappointed but hey, I should not cmplain, pone of my boyhood fantasies has finally come true!
Anyway back to the game, my pick is the Eagles although the Patriots have the expereince and the better side.
But in sports I succumb to the Mighty Ducks School of Underdogs and I want the underdog to win.
Go Eagles!
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Wet and Slow
I must talk about the weather today, see last night we record rain fall in Melbourne with the monthly average being surpassed in less than 24 hours. Apparently, this was a 1 in 153 year storm. Glad I got that over with and now I do not have to worry about the next major rain fall. But what if there is a 1 in 160 year storm or a 1 in 200 year storm. Should I start building an arc?
There was all manner of anarchy today moreso on the roads. Normally my drive to work is 15 minutes at the MOST. Today it took me 1 and a half hours! That’s 6 times for the trip. 6 TIMES! Quite an experience to see the traffic move so slow. Should have parked the car and walked but it was cold and muggy and I was in my work clothes so it would have been very uncomfortable.
Wonder how long it will take for me to get home tonight? Or will be it be tomorrow?
There was all manner of anarchy today moreso on the roads. Normally my drive to work is 15 minutes at the MOST. Today it took me 1 and a half hours! That’s 6 times for the trip. 6 TIMES! Quite an experience to see the traffic move so slow. Should have parked the car and walked but it was cold and muggy and I was in my work clothes so it would have been very uncomfortable.
Wonder how long it will take for me to get home tonight? Or will be it be tomorrow?
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
The end of the dribble
Today was the first day where I did not get to pick up my weekly dose of Pro Basketball Today. I have been collecting this newspaper, once a week for the past 7 years and it was a ritual I enjoyed. A wonderful paper with the latest NBA, NBL and other basketball related news that helped to provide me with an adequate basketball fix.
However, the paper only serviced die hard fans and was not profitable to continue publication. So it’s a death to a “friend” who provided me with some a range of views and reviews on basketball related matters that were not available in the main stream media.
I guess this also reflects the current state of ball in Oz. Where once a Saturday afternoon would be filled with an NBA game and highlights of local basketball, now I wait for the once, maybe twice weekly showing of basketball on ESPN.
Its sad for die hard fans and even the casual fans, when only so little of a exciting and athletic sport is shown. The movements, the game, the strategy and the finishes make it a very exciting sport to watch.
To the editor and writers of PBT, thanks for the words and stories the last 7 years
However, the paper only serviced die hard fans and was not profitable to continue publication. So it’s a death to a “friend” who provided me with some a range of views and reviews on basketball related matters that were not available in the main stream media.
I guess this also reflects the current state of ball in Oz. Where once a Saturday afternoon would be filled with an NBA game and highlights of local basketball, now I wait for the once, maybe twice weekly showing of basketball on ESPN.
Its sad for die hard fans and even the casual fans, when only so little of a exciting and athletic sport is shown. The movements, the game, the strategy and the finishes make it a very exciting sport to watch.
To the editor and writers of PBT, thanks for the words and stories the last 7 years
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
The Comedy Team
Well I hear the the Comedy Channel is looking to show Liverpool's game on their station and I say WHY NOT!
These boys have been too farcical the last few times and it just sucks watching how crap they are.
Last Saturdays game saw them playing a Southampton team which they should have beaten but after 22 minutes we were 2 zip!
And the players looked bored!!
Us supporters die for this team and they play crap!
These boys have been too farcical the last few times and it just sucks watching how crap they are.
Last Saturdays game saw them playing a Southampton team which they should have beaten but after 22 minutes we were 2 zip!
And the players looked bored!!
Us supporters die for this team and they play crap!
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Pokered off
I do not understand the world’s current fascination with poker. I turned on the TV a few days ago and on one sports channel there was poker and on ESPN there was poker. Then there are advertisements on the sports channels for poker!!
What is the fascination with poker, you see a bunch of people sitting around looking at cards and betting for money. My issue is that why waste valuable air time on a sports channel? Don’t they have a channel that this “Sport” can be shown on rather than ESPN or Foxsports?
Where is the excitement or athleticism of the “sport”? Where is the skill (how hard is it to hold a deck of cards) and what about the emotion as most players try not to show any in case they reveal their hand.
Ok someone could get some glee from seeing some badly dressed 40 year old overweight slob with bad hair and bad skin and no style losing $10,000 bet but is it something they will remember?
Will they remember a curling Beckham free kick from 35 metres into the back of goal or a royal flush?
Will the people remember a game winning shot by Michael Jordan or Joe Bloggs Straight?
Will the world of sports enthusiasts awe at and athlete winning the 200m and 400m gold medals at the Olympics or Mr Flannelette winning $100,000 in a game. (ok the money is good but winning the 200m and 400m will probably get you at least 10 fold that amount in endorsements)
I mean these guys sit there and hold cards? And that’s what you see. Then what about commentating – we see the players sit there with cards so what else are you going to talk about.
Really, all I am saying is why do we have to see poker when the networks can show something more interesting like basketball or soccer or athletics, gee even ping pong will be better.
What is the fascination with poker, you see a bunch of people sitting around looking at cards and betting for money. My issue is that why waste valuable air time on a sports channel? Don’t they have a channel that this “Sport” can be shown on rather than ESPN or Foxsports?
Where is the excitement or athleticism of the “sport”? Where is the skill (how hard is it to hold a deck of cards) and what about the emotion as most players try not to show any in case they reveal their hand.
Ok someone could get some glee from seeing some badly dressed 40 year old overweight slob with bad hair and bad skin and no style losing $10,000 bet but is it something they will remember?
Will they remember a curling Beckham free kick from 35 metres into the back of goal or a royal flush?
Will the people remember a game winning shot by Michael Jordan or Joe Bloggs Straight?
Will the world of sports enthusiasts awe at and athlete winning the 200m and 400m gold medals at the Olympics or Mr Flannelette winning $100,000 in a game. (ok the money is good but winning the 200m and 400m will probably get you at least 10 fold that amount in endorsements)
I mean these guys sit there and hold cards? And that’s what you see. Then what about commentating – we see the players sit there with cards so what else are you going to talk about.
Really, all I am saying is why do we have to see poker when the networks can show something more interesting like basketball or soccer or athletics, gee even ping pong will be better.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Well, I just saw the FA cup result against Burnley and am just down right embarrassed.
I can’t believe Benitez played a second string side and we paid the price by losing 1-0.
Maybe he did not want to put too much pressure on the team and decided it would be easier if we lost by playing a crap side!
Or maybe he did not want to risk injury with the better players against an opposition who may play a more rural hacking style of game!
I don’t know, what was going in Rafa’s mind!! When we were up were playing against 10 men with Man U he should have played 3 defenders and pushed someone into the attacking midfield to make use of the numbers!
Then this shenanigan of a game!!!
Anyway, this is not a good start to the day.
I can’t believe Benitez played a second string side and we paid the price by losing 1-0.
Maybe he did not want to put too much pressure on the team and decided it would be easier if we lost by playing a crap side!
Or maybe he did not want to risk injury with the better players against an opposition who may play a more rural hacking style of game!
I don’t know, what was going in Rafa’s mind!! When we were up were playing against 10 men with Man U he should have played 3 defenders and pushed someone into the attacking midfield to make use of the numbers!
Then this shenanigan of a game!!!
Anyway, this is not a good start to the day.
Monday, January 17, 2005
have you ever wondered what would happen is the electronics of the world were affected that we would lose email, internet, electronic banking and anything that required electricity.
Would we have the skills to cope and get on with lives??
Think about it, we would literally be in the dark ages and would people have the skills to function.
I mean for some people, that would mean a very boring Friday night - no X-box, no playstation no chatting and no porn!
And no one would be able to read my infernal commentary on life!!
Well one good thing, I would not have to see Liverpool lose like it did on Saturday
Would we have the skills to cope and get on with lives??
Think about it, we would literally be in the dark ages and would people have the skills to function.
I mean for some people, that would mean a very boring Friday night - no X-box, no playstation no chatting and no porn!
And no one would be able to read my infernal commentary on life!!
Well one good thing, I would not have to see Liverpool lose like it did on Saturday
Liverpool get Dudek'ed
Well I just woke up after watching the Liverpool and Man U match and am depressed after the game. I mean to lose again after Dudek screwed up in goals.....AGAIN!!!
That just sucks, and he needs to go.
Such is the working of the universe, the Liverpool keepers stuffs up and we lose, while Man U keeper screws up by letting the ball go into the goal and they still get away with a draw.
The constants of the soccer universe and dimension are going against me
That just sucks, and he needs to go.
Such is the working of the universe, the Liverpool keepers stuffs up and we lose, while Man U keeper screws up by letting the ball go into the goal and they still get away with a draw.
The constants of the soccer universe and dimension are going against me
Sunday, January 16, 2005
The 5 week countdown
This time in 5 weeks I shall be sitting in the PJ Gurdwara and waiting for my beautiful wife to appear.
I am looking foward to losing bachelohodd and becoming a respectable married man. But I hope Metria does not go insane and then make me crazier than I already am.
But all jokes asisde, being married should be pretty good and hanging with Metria on a more permanent basis shall be fun and appealing.
I just hope that someone tells me when I stand up and sit down and all that during the ceremony!
I am looking foward to losing bachelohodd and becoming a respectable married man. But I hope Metria does not go insane and then make me crazier than I already am.
But all jokes asisde, being married should be pretty good and hanging with Metria on a more permanent basis shall be fun and appealing.
I just hope that someone tells me when I stand up and sit down and all that during the ceremony!
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